Zestimates Can’t Be Trusted
by: Jeff Quintin, on June 28, 2017 - Home Buyer Tips Home Seller Tips
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In today’s market, it’s pretty obvious that sellers are heading to the Internet to find the value of their homes. I just got back from a listing appointment where the seller already had their Zestimate ready to go.
While it’s great to be prepared, the truth is that Zillow is way off in many different cases. The appointment I just came from had a Zestimate that was more than 10% lower than what the property will be listed at. That’s a cool $50,000 that the seller was ready to leave on the table by trusting their Zestimate. Luckily, we were there. However, not all sellers are that lucky. Those who decide to trust their inaccurate Zestimates or sell on their own won’t have any idea what their home is truly worth.
We are experts in the market.
This is because the only way you can find that information out is by hiring a professional agent to work for you. In many markets, especially the ones with houses and properties that aren’t all the same, the Zestimates for homes are going to be off by an average of 8%. A lot of times, they are off by more.
If you truly want to know what the exact value of your home is and what kind of final sale price you can expect to see, you need to contact us. We are experts in the market and we can use our knowledge to give you a great idea of where you can expect to sell the quickest and for the most money possible.
If you have any other questions for us, don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you.